We hope every single one of you and your loved ones are well and safe in these unprecedented times. For six years we at Sheffield Chamber Players have been adamant in pursuit of our mission to bring our music into the intimate setting of a home and break down barriers between everyone in that room with music and conversation. The current pandemic seems to strike at the very heart of that idea. To save human lives, we now must put physical distance between us for as long as our brave doctors, nurses, and scientists need to conquer this virus.
Yet we believe that the need for our art and our values has never been greater. Music inspires us all to creativity, resilience, love, hope, and so much more; and the necessity of breaking down barriers between us is even more urgent now that we can’t safely meet in person. In recognition of this, we want you to know that we stay committed to making music and connecting with you in any way we safely can.
Our musicians are a resilient bunch and while we can’t play together at this time, we are still driven to create and connect with you and each other. To that end we have created this blog, a place on our website where you can go to check out what each of us are up to, as well as see some of our newly released recordings from past performances.
On this page, you'll find everything from videos of our Goldberg Variations discussion and performance at MIT this February, to Ying-Jun’s stunning calligraphy, and Megumi’s fascinating improvisation session with her family. We plan to keep this content updated on a regular basis, and to continue this long after the pandemic crisis has passed. We even hope that some of you will contribute content and ideas to share right here!
This Sunday at 5pm, Alex will be offering a performance of Bach's 6th suite, available here via live stream.
Join us and stay in touch in any way you feel is possible for you right now. We’d love to hear from you and can’t wait to see you all again in person again. We’ll have so much to catch up about!